I especially want to thank
Thierry Piasenta for building my website, Michael Koedel for his precious artistics advices, my sister Emmanuelle Es-Borrat for her philosophy of life, my parents Fabienne and Dominique for their love and support, Laurent Martenet my heart brother, Virgilio Patarini and Valentina Carrera for our collaboration at the Zamenhof gallery and David Ciana who gave to me the passion of painting.
For their support, energy and friendship, many thanks to :
L'Etat du Valais/ service de la culture - Ilaria Brasca - Alessandra Lippi - Eva Sframeli - Sabrina Vinella - Riccardo Carrieri - Monica Paoluzzi - Marta Mancin - Chiara Guidi - Gilles Berguerand - Marco Parisi - Marlyse Lugon - Garance & Blanche - David Dorsaz - Noe & Colin - Ornella Ceselli - Alexander David Cambria - Vassilis Aloumanis - Marco Tolotti - Peter Bona - Luca Colombo - Vincent Du Sartel - Danièle Saillen - Christiane Posse - Kiki & Rose - Gabriele Pass - Philippe Bestenheider - Lisa Ellermann - Michela Barberis - Francis Gaillard - Betty Spalinger - Pierre et Marie-Annick Gex - Nathalie Gay - Mirko Bordoli - Beat Petrig - Jessica Pillet & Chris - Aurianne Golay & Steve - Carole Guignet - Pietro Bagna - Marco Masiero - Ana Maria Pisano - Franco Mento - Cédric Raccio - Christophe Fortis - Natacha Jack - Nassrine Reza - Margaux Honegger - Julia Schubiger - Aurélia Valtério - Pascal Carron - Bianca Lee Vasquez - Pamela Corvalan - Madeleine Boulanger - Yasmin Meichtry - Yasmin Behrang - Mary Pierre Favre - Ludovic Chapuis and everybody who are close to me...